Monday, April 4, 2011

Zombies Have Devoured My Brain

Day?? Post Apocalypse.  I don't even know how many days ago I turned of the cable.  My brain has since turned to liquid and oozed out my ear.  The kids seem to be doing great thanks to the nifty Netflix on wii.  I on the other hand can't seem to be satiated by anything other than the good ol' boob tube.  Every time I come in my room and sit on my bed I grab the remote and turn the TV on.  NOTHING.  ARRGGHHH.  I miss you Brian William, Harvey Levin, and Judge Judy!  I think the lack of TV is rotting my brain.  I can't think straight.  I also can't seem to relax at night.  I just turn of the light and lay there.....yup...still laying there.......wide you get points and prizes for shooting the sheep jumping over your head?   As glimpse at the kind of sick , twisted, and demented sideshow going on  in my brain.  I don't know how I will make it until the end if August.  One positive attribute of no cable TV * drum roll* I wake up and look more refreshed.  I don't think the few extra minutes are helping me meantime mentally, but WOW my eyes looked pretty good for a post 30 grad student.  I saw bags, but NO dark circles   this morning,  I'm tired and if this makes sense in the morning,,,i'll be hornswoggled,    Night.

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